
A crop growth monitoring and decision support system



OurSmartFarm is a new two-way data exchange and simulation modelling research platform serving as a bridge between farmers and scientists to help resolve the challenge of meeting multiple production and environmental objectives which requires a better understanding of the key factors limiting crop yield and quantification of the within-field spatial variation.

A decision support system, crop growth monitoring and a data management system 

Allows farmers to upload their own field operations and observations, utilize multiple spatial data (field topography, satellite multispectral vegetation indices) and crop model outputs offering a better crop health tracking 

Key Features

Add Fields

Zoom-in to your Field or use the search button       to look for a particular location

Field Topography

Soil topography maps (elevation, slope, aspect and flow direction) for your fields 


5 days weather forecast including temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and wind speed 

Field Records

Add all your field operations and field observations to the records timeline

OurSmartFarm can be used with historical data from previous seasons as well as to provide predictions for the current season. In the latter, weather data from the previous decade is used to complement the weather data from the current date until the end of the season. The crop model outputs are then presented as averages with an uncertainty bound around them highlighting the uncertainty about the weather conditions

OurSmartFarm offers Scenario Analysis which provides answers to 'What-If' questions. Users can use this option to create different fertilization and/or irrigation scenarios with different dates and/or rates to assist them with decision making

The James Hutton Institute

Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen AB15 8QH

