OurSmartFarm is a new tool and as such some parts are still under development, particularly the calibration of the crop models. By providing your data on crops and management, the better we can calibrate the model(s) and improve the utility of the outputs – the more data we have, the better the model outpts. Until such a stage when we are satisfied that the outputs from the model(s) are of sufficient accuracy, we recommend that OurSmartFarm be used for experimental and exploratory purposes only.

Liability statement:

The information provided on this app is for testing and development purposes only and should not be used for decision making. The James Hutton Institute does not accept responsibility for any decisions made using the information provided.

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This tool has been developed through funding support provided by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) Strategic Research Portfolio Topic C5 – Large Scale Modelling, Project JHI-C5-1 Integrated socio-environmental modelling of policy scenarios for Scotland.